Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Save Your Job: Tell Your Boss about Sound Masking System

You are losing focus; in fact, you cannot remember deadlines and you got your reports all mixed up.  You are stressed!  Work-related stress can make you forget things and lose things – including your health and your job!

Figures Don't Lie

Work-related stress, also referred to as on-the-job stress, is the root-cause of ailments that has milked most companies billions of dollars in sick leaves, disability benefits, including deaths.  As each employee loses minimum of ten hours per week to office distractions, this gives you the picture on how an employer encounters a dip in his revenue, every month.  If work-related stress is not properly addressed, it can have a negative impact your health, your job and your employer's business.

Save Your Job and Your Employer's Business
 Tell the Boss where the problem lies, but more importantly, tell him about the solution.

Tell your boss about sound masking system.  If your work environment is stressful due to noise and other office distractions that dissipate energy and impairs concentration, it is the same thing with other employees, too.  This has a boomerang effect on revenue, and your boss has the right to know; otherwise, he blames it all on human factor, such as poor performance, lack of initiative, laziness, etc., which is unfair to you and to your officemates.  Speak up and be heard. 

Sound masking system neutralizes noise by introducing a low level background sound that masks it to a level that it becomes less comprehensible.  You don’t pay attention to something you can hardly understand, do you?  You still hear a little humming sound; in fact, noise does not go away.  You cannot eliminate foot traffic, can you?  You won’t put off your office fax, or put the telephone on mute, but of course!  With sound masking, there is no need to worry about noise even if it happens, where it happens.  Sound masking system, also referred to as white noise, takes care of the problem – even if you’re not watching.

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