Sunday, December 4, 2011

Install Sound Masking: Protect Your Bottom Line from Office Distractions that Kill Productivity

Voice Arrest Sound Masking Systems, an innovative solution to office distractions, sounded like a piece of crap when I heard about it the first time.  Honestly. 

Is there really a gadget that can instantaneously switch off noise in an office full of rowdy sales agents beating sales cut-off?

I did not pay much attention to the sales pitch of an agent trying to sell a sound masking system in the office.  I have been an agent all my life, so I seemed to have heard too much of myself from people who wear the same cap that has been on my head since I entered sales.  However, his demo of sound masking system, alternatively referred to as white noise generator, caught my ear.

A Little Explanation about Sound Masking and What it Does

Sound masking, as the term suggests, “masks” noise; it does not eliminate it.  Office chatter cannot be avoided, unless you run a mute-team of sales agents.  The effect of office distraction is not easily noticeable, which makes it more damaging.  People who are often exposed to office distractions, such as foot traffic, boisterous laughter or chatter, and the continuous buzzing of office equipments, lose concentration, which affects their output or productivity at work. 

You need not be involved in a chatter to be affected.  It is enough that you hear it.  Surveys revealed that an employee loses as much as ten hours per week to office distractions.  If you were an employer, this can give you shivers long before snow falls.  You may consider closing shop, too!

The Ill-Effects of Poor Concentration

Let us get the facts straight.  Why should we be bothered by office noise?  The answer is simple.  When people can’t focus on their work and their productivity is hampered, they would not be able to contribute as much or at least equal to the cost their employer bears just to maintain their employment in the company.  If low productivity continues, and revenue just breaks even, an employer should decide for the good of his business, which may not be for the best interest of the employee that has under-performed.  However, that is how business runs things.  It can only accommodate non-producers for a while; if left too long in the team it would be like having a small leak that can sink the whole ship!

But hiring and training of new employees involve just as much cost.  This is a setback for employers who knew they had to do something, but would find themselves on stale mate position.  Good thing there is a solution that eliminates the root cause (office distractions/noise pollution) of the problem.   Perhaps, you can hold off giving an employee his walk-out papers, until you are sure the problem is attitudinal and there is nothing you can do about it.

Take the Sound Masking Challenge

 Find out if sound masking can help improve your bottom line.  Surveys revealed that most employers who have installed sound masking systems inside their offices have seen positive results within a short time. 

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