Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Protect Your Business from the Damaging Cost of Noise: Install White Noise Machines Today

Look at white noise machines as investments, not as an expense, and you will find your business gearing for the big time.  Scrimp on this valuable gadget, and not for long, you will find yourself asking the question “where have I gone wrong”?  Office noise comes with cost; usually, it is more expensive than what you have bargained for.

Office distractions are more than just holes on your wallet; they are like termites tearing down your company apart, without you noticing it - until it is too late.  

Noise that Kills Productivity

As an employer, managing office distraction should be top on your agenda.  Take a minute and imagine how your employees get by with the buzzing of the printer, the humming of the fax machine, the ringing of the telephone, the clacking of the keyboard, and the chattering of office gossip, 24/7, non-stop. 
Do you think they will be able to finish anything on time, with maximum results, when they have plenty of distractions to ward off? If it is not easy for them, undoubtedly, it will not be okay for you, too.  Disengaged employees do not make your cash registers sing!

Your employees have the potential to harm your business more than your competitors would. Did you know that your employees, who are constantly distracted and are obviously unproductive, sink your business in many ways?

More than 25% less productive employees - equates to thousands of dollars lost per week, than  you could hope to keep in the bank;
30% more prone to absenteeism - that equates to poor performance overall. How can 
your company move forward when you don't have people showing up for work?
45% more probably to find jobs elsewhere - when employees can no longer bear the distractions in your office, they will decide to not show up for work, or find employment somewhere.

With the figures above, you can determine how damaging office distractions are toward your employees, and ultimately toward your business. Companies that fail to solve this problem may find themselves in the gutter before long. So if you’re concerned about your employees’ performance and would want to be able to provide them with a favorable environment to work in, then it’s about time you invest in White Noise machines. 

How White Noise Machines Cushion Your Business from Losses

White noise machines operate on the phenomenon of sound masking technology that “overrides” office noise.  As background sound is introduced into a noisy environment, office noise instantaneously become unintelligible, even though the source is not eliminated.  You may still see two people talking, but you will not be able to comprehend the conversation that is taking place.  This is speech privacy at work; what is incomprehensible to one, cannot bother him. 

Take action!  Today is the best time to install white noise machines in your office, and watch your revenues grow.   Don’t scrimp on this investment.  The sooner you provide your employees with a favorable environment to work in, the earlier they bounce back from lethargy to being unstoppable dynamos again.  This can only mean one thing:  you go to your bank smiling.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Noise Saps Productivity: Manage it with White Noise Machines

The pitfalls of poor noise management and the inadequacy of speech privacy inside any office are buzz topics on the internet.  Employers are charging forward like bulls, ready for the kill; unproductive employees are weed out as employers try to cope with the painful realization that unless drastic measures are implemented, more companies will succumb to the claws of the global economic recession - and their companies could be next in line.

What most employers failed to realize was the fact that their revenues may have been adversely affected, not by recession, but by their company’s lack of speech privacy.

Absence of White Noise Machines May Cause This

. Office is noisy (caused by unnecessary chatter and sounds from employees and equipment);

. Employees get distracted;

. Company performance suffers.

It’s not a challenge to find reasons for poor employee performance; you need not get very far from your office cubicle.  However is, the biggest challenge is on how you can eliminate, or at least minimize, office noise.
Telling your employees to keep quiet or putting up posters or stickers on the wall reminding people to observe silence while at work, reminds you of kinder school, but it is of little impact.  Some employees are too keen to find ways on how to circumvent office rules, and confusion may arise, which can have counterproductive bearing on how things are being run in the office.   Speech privacy systems and white noise machines can drive home the point, with little or no effort at all.

How White Noise Machines Help

White noise machines are used primarily for sound masking; to drown out noise, and to replace the noisy humming of a workplace with soothing sounds of nature, or with relaxing background music. This background sound “masks” the noise, making conversations inaudible to a listening third party.  Raucous activities inside the office, such as slamming of doors, incessant telephone calls, and heavy foot traffic would no longer bother employees who are trying to beat their deadlines; they may not even notice the white noise machine running!

Two-pronged Benefits of Speech Privacy Systems

With proper acoustic management, you will not only avoid unnecessary distractions caused by loud noise that stifles productivity, your office employees will also benefit a lot.  They will certainly feel more relaxed and focus, allowing them to finish their tasks on time.   Less stress = less visits to the doctor.
Invest on Perfect Solutions

Speech privacy systems and white noise machines are perfect solutions to cost-conscious organizations that not only want to save money, but also boost employees’ productivity, at minimum use of their greatest resource:  time.

Investment cost is very minimal; in fact, there is no need to scrimp on your favorite Burritos; however, the impact white noise machines can deliver to your business is definitely more than the satisfaction, a roll of Burrito can give you:  it is seeing your business survive the economic crunch, and perhaps it gets to celebrate its diamond jubilee, while you cashing in the returns of your investment, for years to come.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tip: Up Your Revenue with White Noise Machines

 Sound Oasis Deluxe Office White Noise System

Is office noise holding back your company’s growth from nil to awesome?  Don’t despair; there IS a solution.

If an employer agrees to spend one dollar for every second of distraction in the workplace, his company will most likely suffer hundreds of thousands of dollars in a week’s operation.  Office noise, a.k.a. distraction, robs each employee a minimum of two hours everyday, and the company he works for (which can be yours) thousands of dollars in one month!  Small wonder why scores of small and medium-sized businesses do not make it past the “7-year-itch”.

“Creative Distractions” and Noise

What are the main factors distracting employees from doing their job properly? Aside from unnecessary visits to social networks (Facebook, Myspace), email services (Gmail, Ymail), and IM networks (Skype, Chats), office noise is among the most prevalent problems forcing employees to lose focus and become less effective at work.

What’s in it For You?

Are you spending too much money on unproductive company time? Maybe you should start listing down the issues distracting your employees, and start addressing them as soon as possible before they cause irreparable damage to your company’s overall performance. 

Take noise pollution for example; an office suffering from rampant chatter of employees, to constant buzzing or humming sound of everyday appliance and equipment like computer keyboards, printers and fax machines, as well as opening and closing of doors, and the screeching noise an office chair makes – sum these all up and you get a chaotic picture of a poorly managed office acoustics that can potentially distract employees and slow them down. Some employees may even experience bouts of headache or muscle ache, for no apparent cause.  Noise is rarely pointed out as the cause, but it is the “killer on the loose” inside your office.

What You Should Do

Office noise might be holding your progress back. Your one-way ticket to success is eliminating or solving small problems as they crop up. As what they say “small holes sink the ship”, and it would be wise to plug the noise problem in your office before it causes further damage to your employees’ performance ( read:  your revenue).

Speech privacy systems and white noise tools can help you lessen unnecessary and highly distracting office noise, further boosting communication and employee work experience. It’s about time you gave your employees a comfortable working environment. Cut down on noise, manage office acoustics, and install the necessary speech privacy systems -- to ultimately improve your company performance. It’s a win-win scenario all around.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How to Increase Productivity without Firing Employees

Nobody is indispensable in the workplace anymore!

But getting yourself fired, or firing your own employees may not solve the problem of lackluster performance at the cash register.  There are other factors causing poor productivity, and you may not believe how seemingly "harmless" activities can sap a lot of energy!  Read on...

Really, how do you resuscitate an ailing bottom line without firing some employees who may have caused it?
It is never easy to send someone out of the door with all his things – in a box.  Firing employees is one function I never relish doing; how about you?

Firing employees is not the solution to your apparent slack in bringing in those revenues.  It might be Facebook, or your office equipments; maybe, office noise, too.

Three Spoilers of Productivity

The Internet.  Oh, that Facebook thing!  Everyone seems to want a piece of cyberspace through this networking site, and who can blame them?  It’s the most convenient and cost-efficient way to meet-up with friends and family; in fact, the Facebook-fever has rubbed on companies and organizations, as well.  Products, services and ideas are marketed on Facebook, like it’s the new Amazon or eBay.

However, this networking phenomenon can have disastrous effect on your bottom line if used by your employees during their working hours, and for personal reasons.  It nips productivity, right on the bud.  If you want to maximize your employees’ productivity, for your company’s benefit, then by all means prohibit their access to Facebook, Twitter and other “spoilers” during office hours.  

Stress at the Workplace.   Have you heard of the word, “ergonomics”?  This word might just save thousands of dollars for you!

Work-related stress contributes to employees getting sick and taking on sick leave or vacation due to health reasons.  Wherever you look at it, it translates to “loss” on your probable income.  As an employer, downtime due to employees’ absences always affect your bottom line.  Ergonomic chairs, desks, keyboards and everything ergonomics may just be the solution you need.

The science of Ergonomics teaches us that to avoid stress-related ailments like carpal tunnel syndrome, backaches, or the irritating stiff neck, office equipments, such as keyboard and mouse, including office chairs and desks should fit the user.    When it comes to the workplace, “fits all” may not sound a good idea!

Office Noise.   Chatterboxes have no place in the office, but sadly, there are people who are oblivious to this fact.  They chat, laugh, and even sing (!) like they are in a marketplace, not in an office.  The noise they create can disturb others and lower the collective productivity of your entire workforce! 

Suffice it to say, silence makes gold.  If your employees find themselves working in a peaceful environment, they can produce more. 

However, even if you gag or put masking tape over the mouth of your company’s chatterbox, noise is still inevitable.  Humming sound of your aircon, footsteps, opening and closing of the door, these are spoilers, too. 

How can you switch on “mute” every source of noise in the office?  You cannot; therefore, it can help you a lot if you devise a plan on how you can eliminate noise without gagging an employee who makes noise, or shutting every source of noise just to cultivate an atmosphere of silence in the office. 

Find the cause why your employees are not as productive as when they started out, and when it is caused by noise distractions, now you know what to do!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Why this Blog?

I have a good reason why I put this blog up:  i love white noise machines!

Few people understand the ill-effects of noise at home or at the work place.  Who can blame them?  We are in a society of "loud mouths"; anywhere, we can hear the stereo blaring, cellphones ringing and mothers-in-law nagging (scrap this one out, I was just kidding).

Noise has become the "norm"; in fact, few are practicing the art of tiptoeing across the room when someone is sleeping.  We just don't care anymore if we disturb others.  Noise has become part of our culture, and because of this exposure, we no longer miss peace...for how can one miss something, which he has not experienced?

I started my research on sound masking when I noticed that I easily get distracted by noise, and writing has become a chore, not a hobby.  I work from home and regardless of discipline, I have yet to find a way on how I could learn to block distractions on autopilot; that is, I could easily switch off noise anytime.  I was looking for ways on how to block noise without even my least effort, but to no avail.

I have tried several approaches, like putting on a pair of headphones while at work or by "muting" my cellphone; however, I could not just go next door and gag my neighbor with a masking tape, could I?

Glad I have found white noise machines on this site:

Now, I can work and rest anywhere I want without having to plug my ears.  Sound masking is incredible technology and my white noise machines are investments worth every penny I put in.

Check out on white noise machines for your home or office here: