Monday, November 15, 2010

Noise Saps Productivity: Manage it with White Noise Machines

The pitfalls of poor noise management and the inadequacy of speech privacy inside any office are buzz topics on the internet.  Employers are charging forward like bulls, ready for the kill; unproductive employees are weed out as employers try to cope with the painful realization that unless drastic measures are implemented, more companies will succumb to the claws of the global economic recession - and their companies could be next in line.

What most employers failed to realize was the fact that their revenues may have been adversely affected, not by recession, but by their company’s lack of speech privacy.

Absence of White Noise Machines May Cause This

. Office is noisy (caused by unnecessary chatter and sounds from employees and equipment);

. Employees get distracted;

. Company performance suffers.

It’s not a challenge to find reasons for poor employee performance; you need not get very far from your office cubicle.  However is, the biggest challenge is on how you can eliminate, or at least minimize, office noise.
Telling your employees to keep quiet or putting up posters or stickers on the wall reminding people to observe silence while at work, reminds you of kinder school, but it is of little impact.  Some employees are too keen to find ways on how to circumvent office rules, and confusion may arise, which can have counterproductive bearing on how things are being run in the office.   Speech privacy systems and white noise machines can drive home the point, with little or no effort at all.

How White Noise Machines Help

White noise machines are used primarily for sound masking; to drown out noise, and to replace the noisy humming of a workplace with soothing sounds of nature, or with relaxing background music. This background sound “masks” the noise, making conversations inaudible to a listening third party.  Raucous activities inside the office, such as slamming of doors, incessant telephone calls, and heavy foot traffic would no longer bother employees who are trying to beat their deadlines; they may not even notice the white noise machine running!

Two-pronged Benefits of Speech Privacy Systems

With proper acoustic management, you will not only avoid unnecessary distractions caused by loud noise that stifles productivity, your office employees will also benefit a lot.  They will certainly feel more relaxed and focus, allowing them to finish their tasks on time.   Less stress = less visits to the doctor.
Invest on Perfect Solutions

Speech privacy systems and white noise machines are perfect solutions to cost-conscious organizations that not only want to save money, but also boost employees’ productivity, at minimum use of their greatest resource:  time.

Investment cost is very minimal; in fact, there is no need to scrimp on your favorite Burritos; however, the impact white noise machines can deliver to your business is definitely more than the satisfaction, a roll of Burrito can give you:  it is seeing your business survive the economic crunch, and perhaps it gets to celebrate its diamond jubilee, while you cashing in the returns of your investment, for years to come.

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